The Return:  Author’s first novel, New wave writer Santanu Gangopadhya in an article on Sekhar Basu writes: “I fail to understand in which category I should put Firay Elam in the history of Bengali fictions. In my view,   one such unusual and captivating fiction has never been written in Bengali language. “This long article that […]

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Something Different: First fiction that published in Ananda Bazar Puja number in 1974, also his first novel with the ABP group.  Publisher: Ananda Bazar Puja Sankhya 1974. Published by Ananda Publishers in 1976. Cover design: Purnendu Pattrea.

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Summary:  Carefully selected fifty brilliant short stories from hundreds. The selection area covers a span of forty-three years. The gems of four decades are included here. All’s a compelling blend of heart and language in a new style. The gorgeous royal edition is a production of Ananda Publishers, No 1 publication house in West Bengal. […]

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